Parent Counseling

For more information and your questions:
Parenting can be joyful. Parenting can be connecting intimately. Parenting can be emotionally moving. But it is difficult, complicated, confusing and challenging.
As a pioneer and expert in Parent Counseling, I teach a comprehensive, skill-based approach focused on providing scientific principles to help parents implement their core parenting values. I help parents integrate their values and goals for their child with psychologically proven principles and strategies shown to help children develop healthy self-esteem and healthy character in relationships and in schoolwork.
For 25 years I offered a free-of-charge parenting workshop, consisting of 40 hours of experiential training, to thousands of parents who lived in the Bergen County, NJ, and the New York Metropolitan area. I created a several hundred-page Workbook entitled “Growing As A Parent,” which taught a comprehensive array of parenting skills needed to develop psychologically healthy children. I have also, more recently, written a short book for parents, “Parenting With Wisdom and Skill: A Practical Guidebook,” which offers concrete guidance to parents on how to raise psychologically healthy children who develop into young adults with strong and successful character in relationships and work.
In addition to making workshops and writings readily available, I have offered Parent Counseling to parents in the NYC/Bergen County area for the past 40 years. I have also recently opened an office in Bend, Oregon, to serve parents and adults in the Bend Community.